

Study with hotel guests on reasons for choice of hotels

UK, France, Germany, Spain & Sweden
Research Objectives:

Manufacturer of cleaning products for hotels and other sites needed to understand priorities in choosing hotels in Europe.

Research Methodology:

On-line phone study with visitors to different hotel types.


Study measured importance of cleanliness among a range of factors on which guests judge hotels.


Product penetration of drinks in Horeca Outlets

Belgium & Luxembourg
Research Objectives:

Need to measure availability of about 200 drinks brands annually.

Research Methodology:

By personal visit or by phone to outlets such as cafés, hotels, restaurants (nearly 4000 outlets per year).


Allowed client to measure sales team performance, consumer prices, performance of new products and availability of POS material, performance of promotions.


Use of stand mixers and blenders in Bakery / Restaurants

Europe & USA
Research Objectives:

Need to measure brand ownership of mixers and interest in a "non-professional" stand mixer.

Research Methodology:

Telephone study to bakeries and restaurants in Europe and USA, to measure purchasing criteria and behaviour, and suitability of existing machines for a variety of cooking applications.


Isolated key issues and interest in the "non-professional" type of machine.