Case Studies
Business to Business Case Studies

Market analysis of the Air Conditioning Market
Survey to understand the penetration of the client’s brand among installers, the strengths and weaknesses of the brand, and growth trends in the market.
Telephone interviews with 100 installers in Bulgaria.
Enabled client to understand the strengths and weaknesses of its own and other brands, and in which building sector most growth could be expected: residential, commercial, or industrial.
Checking attitudes to reversible heat pumps
Study to understand perceptions of reversible heat pumps among new home owners and installers.
Focus groups carried out with these target audiences showing a range of new concepts.
Helped in development of marketing strategy in this area.
European market study on insulation materials
European market study on insulation materials in construction.
Interviews with insulation materials manufacturers and distributors; also legislators, builders, architects, health and safety experts, Governments.
Identified likely trends in use of insulation materials; also legislation on energy conservation and sound protection; strengths and weaknesses of main manufacturers; environmental issues etc.
Industrial Cleaning and Disinfection
Industrial Cleaning and Disinfection
Industrial Cleaning and Disinfection

Customer satisfaction with industrial floor cleaners
European study to understand perception of our client by his main customers, and also by competitive suppliers' customers.
Telephone interviews with managers responsible for choosing machines on all aspects of product, service and price.
Identified strengths and weaknesses of the manufacturers; and suggestions for improving service and image.
Healthcare associated infections and no touch disinfection
UK, France, Germany, USA
Programme to understand more about HAIs in hospitals and methods to combat them.
Qualitative and quantitative telephone interviews with infection control managers in hospitals.
Allowed client to develop hand cleansing systems and wipes to reduce HAIs.
In hospital testing of surface wipes
Netherlands, Belgium & France
Need to test different wipes brands in hospitals across these countries.
Products placed with hospitals; after 2 weeks, nursing and auxiliary staff were interviewed on efficacity, pleasantness to use, ease of use and other issues.
Enabled client to improve design and strength of their existing wipes.
Financial Services
Financial Services
Financial Services

Customers’ relationships with their banks
Need to understand commercial customers’ needs in banking services, and the defining moments in their relationship with their banks.
Series of in-person focus groups with customers of different banks.
Allowed the client, a major business consultancy, to understand the key influences on whether customers stayed with or switched banks; and the types of business given to different types of bank.
Customer satisfaction survey of European banks with a credit service
Measure satisfaction of banks with our client’s service and support as a major supplier.
Annual study by telephone with 500+ banks; across 46 countries in 16 languages.
Improved communication across the network, as well as helping our client update their contact lists.
Mystery shopping study of investment advice given by different banks
Need to find out how competitive banks in Belgium were offering investment advice to customers, and how they compared on servicing costs.
Mystery shopper visits to banks: with different scenario’s based on “risk-averse” and more “adventurous” investors.
Study identified strengths and weakness of each bank’s investment advisor, their performance and follow-through, allowing the client to adjust his approach.
Construction Machines
Construction Machines
Construction Machines

Competitive pricing of excavators and loaders
France, Spain, Germany, UK, Italy, Poland
Large study to obtain prices of machines from dealers, including detailed specs per machine; covering +/- 20 competitive brands.
Mystery calling to Dealers by email, phone and some in person.
Survey established competitively of over 500 machines, allowing our client to adjust pricing policy.
Usage and attitude survey of mini-excavator owners
Germany, France, Italy, UK, Sweden, Denmark
Quantitative study to understand customer usage and purchasing criteria in mini-excavators and attachments.
2 stage survey: qualitative interviews, then quantification by phone interviews: approx. 80 interviews per country.
Identified purchasing criteria, and rated main brands’ strengths and weaknesses on same criteria.

Need for comparative pricing study in Benelux: 3 brands for each of 3 models of telehandler.
Study using mystery shoppers to collect up to 5 printed offers per brand/model; dealers supplied written quotes, with key options specified.
Enabled our client to position himself advantageously against competition.
Studies on ways to develop clients’ market share in fertilizers and other chemicals across European markets.
Phone and f2f surveys with cooperatives, wholesalers, merchants and farmers.
Studies pointed up strengths and weaknesses of different manufacturers in the sector; and laid foundation for a relevant communication campaign towards farmers.
France, Germany
Study to understand needs of compact tractor owners across: France, Germany.
500 phone interviews on purchasing criteria, usage, attachments, brands and other topics.
Helped to develop a concept for a new compact tractor for Europe.
Study to measure awareness, image and usage of client’s brand of large tractor tyre for agriculture in different regions of France.
2-stage survey: pilot face to face study to create relevant image criteria, then phone study to quantify.
Survey showed brand usage of our client’s tyres was low, but brand awareness and quality perception were reassuringly high.
Benelux, France, Germany, Poland
Investigating the market for small and large irrigation systems for agriculture in different European countries, as a precursor to buying a company supplying components.
Desk research, followed by face to face or telephone interviews with farmers, cooperatives, and dealers in above countries.
Research identified main suppliers of these components, size of market, and likely trends in usage; as well as opportunities for our client in the market.

Study with hotel guests on reasons for choice of hotels
UK, France, Germany, Spain & Sweden
Manufacturer of cleaning products for hotels and other sites needed to understand priorities in choosing hotels in Europe.
On-line phone study with visitors to different hotel types.
Study measured importance of cleanliness among a range of factors on which guests judge hotels.
Use of stand mixers and blenders in Bakery / Restaurants
Europe & USA
Need to measure brand ownership of mixers and interest in a "non-professional" stand mixer.
Telephone study to bakeries and restaurants in Europe and USA, to measure purchasing criteria and behaviour, and suitability of existing machines for a variety of cooking applications.
Isolated key issues and interest in the "non-professional" type of machine.
Product penetration of drinks in Horeca Outlets
Belgium & Luxembourg
Need to measure availability of about 200 drinks brands annually.
By personal visit or by phone to outlets such as cafés, hotels, restaurants (nearly 4000 outlets per year).
Allowed client to measure sales team performance, consumer prices, performance of new products and availability of POS material, performance of promotions.

Product Development Clinics with Forklift Operators
France, Germany, UK, Italy
Clinics with operators and managers: electric forklift trucks: France, Germany, UK, Italy.
- Focus groups with managers to react to a list of key product criteria.
- Product clinics with operators to test out and rate competitive models.
The study allowed client to make relevant briefing to its product development team.
Pricing study of forklift trucks
Client asked IRB to carry out mystery shopping study on competitors' prices in the French market.
IRB created a scenario with a spec including several required options; study targeted 6 competitive brands; dealers supplied written quotes, including possible rental terms, from each.
Client was able to reposition price-wise.

Study with Shock absorber installers: Trends, opportunities and threats
BNL, France, Spain, Germany
Survey to establish importance of shock absorbers in installers’ business mix.
Phone study with installers to establish what their competitors are doing that our client is not doing.
Report showed strengths and weaknesses of our client vs. its competitors in terms of: product, pricing, service etc.
Study with Commercial Tyre Dealers
9 countries in Europe
Study to develop the partnership with main dealers of tyres for trucks and buses in Europe.
65 face to face interviews with head offices of dealer chains.
Major issues were concerned with the whole notion of partnership between tyre manufacturer and dealers, rather than specific items such as pricing or technical support.
Repainting of commercial vehicles
Germany, France & Spain
Study with installers to understand the repainting opportunities in trucks and buses sector.
200+ phone and face to face interviews with Paint shops, OE dealers, truck and bus owners.
Final results included estimates of potential market size and share among the above players.
Study of industrial tyres: Brand awareness and image
4 countries in Europe
Need to assess 5 main brands of solid industrial tyre used in off-road and other industrial vehicles.
Phone study across 4 countries with dealers and end users.
Positioned our client's specialist brand against major players in global tyre industry.
Public Sector Case Studies
Surveying the attitudes and experience of 4 populations with immigrant roots
Following a study of Belgians on their views of the above populations, a reverse survey was conducted to understand survey experience and opinions of these immigrant groups.
1000 face to face interviews conducted across 3 cities in Belgium: with 1st/2nd/3rd generation immigrants from the 4 regions.
Survey established a ranking of the 4 populations in terms of their likelihood of being exposed to racial prejudice; but overall showing a very positive attitude to established Belgians.
Assessing the environmental image of a pharmaceuticals manufacturer among Brussels opinion leaders
A major manufacturer wanted to assess his environmental credentials among opinion leaders in Brussels, and how best to communicate with them.
Programme of focus groups, in person or on-line, with NGOs, EU officials, and Think tanks in Brussels.
Based on the survey, the image of our client was greatly improved using more targeted communication and use of media.
Health statements on food packaging
Study to investigate how consumers interpreted health claims on consumer packaging.
Over 2000 consumers interviewed by phone across 6 countries.
Research showed that
- consumers wanted health claims to be given on packs where possible,
and - in most cases they correctly interpreted the information given.
Packaging materials and the future
Packaging material association wished to clarify its thinking on the future use of resources and its effects on packaging.
Focus group brought together 6 well known European “futurologists” in an all-day session to debate these issues.
Results allowed the packaging association to focus its policy on appropriate trends, and also to quote these well-known experts in its public relations.
Survey of population regarding coastal pollution
United Kingdom
A survey to understand how visitors to the coast attribute importance to different types of sea pollution.
On-line survey of 10,000+ British adults who had visited the coast recently.
Ranking of importance attributed to: pollution from Agriculture, Industry, Oil, Plastics and Sewage; giving support to the relevant NGOs in their actions.
Assessing the environmental image of a well known pharmaceuticals manufacturer among Brussels opinion leaders
A major manufacturer wanted to assess his environmental credentials among opinion leaders in Brussels, and how best to communicate with them.
Programme of focus groups, in person or on-line, with NGOs, EU officials, and Think tanks in Brussels.
Based on the survey, the image of our client could be improved using more targeted communication and media.
Plastics in the waste stream
Plastics association needed to test different propositions of recycling, energy recuperation and other solutions for plastic packaging.
Face to face and phone interviews conducted with journalists, teachers, and business leaders across Europe.
Association was able to develop relevant and comprehensible concepts.
Monitoring EU Campaign on the Health benefits of olive oil
Need to verify the approach taken by a European Commission campaign to support the health benefits of olive oil.
Interviews with doctors, nurses, nutritionists across Europe on the arguments developed and media used.
Enabled the visuals used and the arguments presented to be better targeted to health professionals.
Roma population and their experience of discrimination
Study on difficulties of Roma people in areas such as housing, education, social affairs.
Face to face study with 600 Roma households, enabled through “mediators” within the Roma community and supported by the Belgian administration.
Study analysed both predictable but also unexpected aspects of discrimination; with many interesting human stories.